Robot wars house robots!

Robot wars house robots!

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Hey want to watch some Robot wars?

Hey is me again just wanted to put a link here if you want to see all of the robot wars episodes so anyone can watch them old fan's and even new one's

This game's not bad!

Hey I found a game like robot wars on the internet Called Robot Rage and is lot's of fun if you like robot's battle it out to see who has the better robot here's a link for you if you want to give it a try.

Video game like robot wars for the Xbox One & PS4

Hmmm I was just play a old robot wars game and I thought why are there no video game's for the Xbox one & ps4 like robot wars as I would love to get my hand's on one but then again one might come out one day for the Xbox one or ps4 is just when will it?