Robot wars house robots!

Robot wars house robots!

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Hey want to watch some Robot wars?

Hey is me again just wanted to put a link here if you want to see all of the robot wars episodes so anyone can watch them old fan's and even new one's

This game's not bad!

Hey I found a game like robot wars on the internet Called Robot Rage and is lot's of fun if you like robot's battle it out to see who has the better robot here's a link for you if you want to give it a try.

Video game like robot wars for the Xbox One & PS4

Hmmm I was just play a old robot wars game and I thought why are there no video game's for the Xbox one & ps4 like robot wars as I would love to get my hand's on one but then again one might come out one day for the Xbox one or ps4 is just when will it?

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Hey guy's if you want to check some robot action you should check out this website really go check it out here's the link - this website is done by Roaming Robots.

Will there be a show like robot wars again?

Hey guy's today I will be talking about will there be a show like robot wars again. if you do not know what robot wars is I will tell you a bit about it. Robot wars was a TV show on BBC in the show you had robots built by competitors battle it out to be the victor. if you want to know more about robot wars click the link here ok Now moving on what I was going to talk about. As we know robot wars is gone for now anyway what I would love is a show like robot wars to be on tv again but will this happen or will it not that my friend's is what we must ask our self's. If a show like robot wars was on tv will it go on for a long time or will it be short don't get me wrong I would watch evey episode of the show if it was on tv. If I show like no... I know what to say "One day a show like Robot wars will be on tv again that much I know!